Apoala, Mexico

This week's hike was an over-night to a remote mountain village in western Oaxaca, home to the Mixtec people. The village, Apoala, is located on what's called a hanging valley because high mountains are behind, then there is a flat area, then another drop off to another valley far below.
In the approximate center you can see a dark spot that is the entrance to a canyon, and you can follow the line of trees that grow next to the river that flows to the edge of the valley and plunges in a series of ten (or so) cascades to the valley below.
A rocky winding trail led down past the waterfalls, each one ending in a turquoise pool then tumbling over boulders and rocks to the next cascade.
A few hikers cooled off (did they ever) in one of the lovely pools.
Photos of the cascades and canyon are http://www.blipfolio.com/Alaska/mexico

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