
First of all I heard the noise as they rocked up to the house across the road. Their throaty truck, and then the ladders as they threw them against the walls.

By the time I looked out the window, they were already kicking the tiles off the roof. So I gather they are going to put up solar panels.

They worked away for a couple of hours without too many problems, except their rubbish was blowing down the street. Then they seemed to disappear for an hour, must've been a late lunch.

Eventually, they came back at about three, and started work again, but this time with added loud music, from their truck.

I wasn't going to put up with that, so out I went, picking up some of their rubbish on the way.

'Can you turn that down?', I didn't say please, and threw their rubbish on the ground.

'Yeah, alright.' Came the grudging reply, and the music went off.

I might have to put up with music from my neighbours, but I'm not going to from workmen as well, especially, on my day off.

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