
By Carscribe


Had a meeting in London this afternoon, so it was up and down the lifts, stairs and escalators and in and out of the trains in the Underground to go across town. It was a bit of a novelty for me. Inevitably as a motoring journalist I spend the vast majority of my travel time in cars, and also on aeroplanes, going somewhere to drive yet more cars.

It was very poignant to see the row of vases filled with fresh flowers under the memorial plaque at Edgware Road station, to the six Tube travellers who died in the 7/7 bombing on the Circle Line. Hard to believe that was nine years ago.

There were so many things I could have blipped. My eye was constantly drawn by the varying architecture at different station, the mix of old and new, the rich kaleidoscope of passengers. Had an interesting conversation in our respective languages with an East European mum trying to navigate her way across town with two very small children in tow. Thank goodness for the differing colours of the tube lines. I think she grasped where she had to go!

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