Pile of Cute

Saturday, we rushed out to the bunny hutch to make sure that alllllllll was still well. It was. We headed on back to the house to have some breakfast, and get a few things done before we could take some time to pull the baby bunnies into the house for their first real snuggle. Oh my.......what a pile of snuggle bunnies. Sugar and I can't figure it out......but we think somehow....this little group of bunnies are the sweetest ones yet. We don't know how....but they are just over the top adorable....we can't get enough. We are sooooooo in love with them already.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out, and getting a few things done. The Hubby came in from his first Shrimping trip of the season, and spent the morning at the harbor making sure the boat got unloaded successfully. Then he fetched us some groceries, and rabbit food before working on a project for the boat.

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