This is the Key to Happiness

Sunday was quite nearly the BEST day I've had in a long....long.....time. This picture sort of sums it up nicely. Not only did The Sug and I have plenty of snuggle time with our little baby bunnies......I also saw a satisfactory resolution come to fruition in the carpet fiasco I've been living in. woo hoo....Yes....I still only have foam padding on my floor, but I have a check in hand, written to the FULL amount. The owner of the carpet store made a trip out to my house to apologize for all the trouble we have had, and to give me a full refund. I can not tell you how relieved I am to come to this final resolution. It has not been easy for me. I am not a confrontational person, and I have had to deal with this mess. I put on my big girl panties, and took care of business. glad it's over. Now....just waiting for the NEW carpet store to get our carpet into town, and in our house. Can't wait. This is so a load off my mind. It made my day 100% better!

The weekend went by WAY too fast. Sugar and I spent the afternoon snuggled up on the couch reading Harry Potter. I am so enjoying sharing this story with her. I especially like reading it with my terrible accent. I try to sound just like the characters in the movie. I'm sure Sugar thinks I'm nuts. tee hee

PS. don't miss the pile of cute from yesterday. I am sorry to say that you are going to be seeing A LOT of these babies bunnies for awhile.

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