A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum


I confess I have a guilty pleasure. I like to review things, or rather my alter ego does, under a pseudonym, of course! You'll find my restaurant reviews on Yelp, hotel reviews on Tripadvisor, travelblogs on Mapquet and best of all my cruise reviews on Cruisecritic. I've written a fair few of those, usually balanced, good weighed against bad and with a touch of my sarcy humour thrown in. The last review I wrote I thought was pretty boring, mostly positive and not particularly amusing. It ended up being chosen as one of the reviews of the week! Aha! Bland and inoffensive is what they're after! They emailed me and asked for my address as they said they would like to send me a prize..... Tadaaaaaa! Here it is, a Cruisecritic travel torch, with a handy thing on the left hand side that you can squeeze to charge it up and make it work even when the batteries are flat. How cool is that?

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