Good morning

4years 170days

I do love her bed head every morning. She says to me "Mummy, have I got crazy curls now?" I love that she likes her curls, and I try to affirm that. I would love her to carry on liking them. I have them and have never been a big straightener fan, only when I had a short bob a couple of times, and that was to shape my curl/flicks not to straighten totally.

She had a lovely day at nursery. The area curriculum development guy for Katie's nursery was in today. He had them all doing cornflour gloop with added colours. When I walked through the door, the room manager said "I should warn you her hair is pink". They had however actually got it clean when I got down to the room. She had a lot of fun. It was easy to spot the children who'd add as much fun as Katie.

Granny and Grandad evening tonight. I'd got tea sorted before I went to work today and Granny had put it on for me before we got back, so it was ready & waiting. However, the time it took for it to cool was more than enough time for Katie to find her tap shoes and engross herself in some very determined tap practice in her playroom. She took a little convincing to come down for tea, but then ate the lot very quickly, including sending me back to the kitchen to hunt for more mushrooms for her. A newly embraced like of hers! She then discovered a second new like - choux pastries. I had a chocolate cream choux bun. It shortly became we had a chocolate cream choux bun. Thankfully there was a whole one for her, saving mine from total Katie-fication.

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