
5years 169days 

Katie has a loving and thoughtful streak that makes me melt quite often. She has a treat, she insists I share it with her. Something nice happens to her friends, she wants to tell everyone. It's my birthday soon and she is really excited. She's set out what she feels needs to happen and keeps squealing with excitement that its soon going to be "Birthday Mummy time". I have hurty hands at the moment. She told me today "your hands can't be hurty on your birthday, or if they are, you can't say, because it will spoil it!" Today was a new situation though. Katie has decided for the first time that she wanted to buy me a present. Previously, she's made a card, or written in a card, and more recently has expressed opinion as to what she would like to have bought on her behalf to give me on the day. This year she decided she wanted to go choose it. Except she couldn't think who could take her to do the shopping, the usual list of people weren't available. So she decided she would make presents for me. I was very happy with this thought, she was reasonably pleased. But kept saying how much she wanted to buy presents too. I ended up agreeing to take her to the shop and not looking as she chose gifts. She wanted to buy me fabric and was put out that we couldn't do that. But the shopping trip in the end was seriously cute. Just going with her and seeing this process was present enough! She kept wandering round saying "no, thats not good enough. It needs to be really good" (said at 3 reduced priced Easter teddies). She said "the paper needs to be pretty. Not boy. Not little girl though, just right". And she wanted to choose a card. I could hear her reading the cards to herself then "ohhh I can't decide.... I don't know!" She told the lady at the checkout that I wasn't allowed to look and that she wanted to do it all herself. Thankfully, the couple behind her were too busy adoring how cute it was to be bothered about how long she took packing her bag and paying the money. They also chuckled when Katie said "but I need a long thin bag for the wrapping paper, please". She proudly learnt how to phone Grandad tonight (She doesnt know the passcode though, so can't do it without approval from mama!) and asked me to be somewhere else while she explained to him what she'd done. Here she is, writing the card before hiding it and the waiting-to-be-wrapped gifts. 

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