
By MelanieMay

"whiskey drowns & the beer chases my blues away"

So today I had so many photos to choose from! After ages of having nothing exciting to post about today there was a bomb scare in my village, a mother telling her infant to shut the fuck up crying, a Student Summit for younger enterprising individuals held in Dublin Castle and dinner in the hippest hipster restaurant in town, and what did I choose to put up? Two margaritas! Why? Well I think it says a little about where I am in my life. I went to this Mexican restaurant 777 in Dublin with a lovely lady whom I have now met a total of 3 times. When we got there we were given each a free margarita, Sam doesn't drink, so I took hers, but I don't drink either so I gave them to the girl next to me, she was delighted. I had a blast out with Sam and I haven't been out much at all in the last year due to my own personal head space but the last little while I have been going out and having a bloody brilliant time. I forgot how much fun it is to actually get dressed up and go out on the town and just hang out with fun people and I love the fact that I don't have to drink to enjoy things and that neither do a lot of people. I need more of theses in my life. So tonight I had a ball just talking and laughing and eating good food and listening to some good tunes. I am buzzing afterwards and am feeling in a really great place at the moment personally. Long may it continue. Now where to this weekend?

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