CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

A spring in my step

....... I wish!

Had to fill in at Foodbank today - my wife is away and our Pastor is away (on a well deserved holiday) so I was there in case there were referrals to be made. This means listening to the stories of people in need and trying to discern whether what I was being told was genuine or not. I have had a lifetime of this (as a Pastor you hear many such stories) but it doesn't get any easier. Out of three stories, two were genuine and one was definitely 'suspicious'. On being gently challenged, this third person left in a 'huff'. It is all a bit draining emotionally and physically I am less able to cope than I used to be.

On the way home I turned down a little road 'to see what was to be seen'. I came across this tree beginning to bud. No tripod for this shot so just a gentle squeeze of the trigger (!).

Nearer home, one of the local horses had finally taken off its jacket - another sign of Spring. I very nearly chose this as my Blip - but I will see this horse again. If you want to see it - here it is.

Home now and in need of a rest - to see if I can get that spring in my step back again.

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