BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles


After yesterdays blip looking into the small world I couldn't help thinking about what was going on today in that environment, so went out at lunchtime armed with the macro lens again.

I've had some good responses from the ladybird/bugs I shot recently and was nearly an option for today as these two were "at it" and made me chuckle like a school kid as the one on top was properly moving as if he was on the ocean.

Anyway I'm not sure what this type of bee is? I'm sure its a Bee???? anyone like to shed light on it please let me know :)

I've been online getting prices for the new glass for the camera and not sure which route I'm taking yet, whether I can justify the canon "L" macro or just the standard as it gets such good reviews. We'll see soon!

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles

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