A Year Captured

By neville2014

A Ton of Blips

Today is my 100th blip.

When I started my 365 journal on the 1st day of this year I have to say I thought it was going to be a more of a global affair. By this time last year I had probably been to a dozen very different countries for work and seen a lot of weird and wonderful sights, all ideal for blip.

This year changed however when I broke by leg skiing and as a result much of my first 100 blips have been dominated by my tedious but steady recovery in Wanaka.

It all could be worse though and I often remind myself of that.

The experience has slowed me down both physically and figuratively and given me time to see and appreciate some of the detail that would be otherwise missed.

Today's photo is of my two crutches. One you can see is nearly worn out which is good timing as I don't use that one at all now. The other is now only used occasionally when my leg gets a bit tired, when I need to drum up sympathy from family and friends or to escape chores. I expect this will be my last blip of the bloody things.

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