When's Wimbledon?

..the day started well, and after the normal chores, sowed 2 beds to salads in the tunnel, and some coriander (6 rows of 8 feet, nearly 50 foot of rows). Not a brilliant day, cold, and damp, with rain forecast later..

Continuing to tidy the tunnel, gathered some wood offcuts in a crate, and carried them round to the shed. Stepped on some uneven ground and twisted my ankle badly. It's not swollen up too much, but I've been sat all afternoon with it elevated and ice packed.

Now for the history. About twenty years ago, I was climbing over an electric fence with an armful of bricks (don't ask - It was agricultural research - science!) when I put my foot in a rabbit hole. Similar to today, a badly twisted ankle that hurt like hell for the rest of the day. Swelling went down overnight, but ever since when I stepped on something slightly uneven, I fell to the ground. I'd torn tendons in my ankle, and this carried on for 4 or 5 years before being diagnosed. (Not without plenty of hospital visits) Eventually my ankle was operated on, the tendons reduced in length, and I was in plaster for 3 months while they healed. I have a scar about the size of an apple around the outside of my ankle. It's been fine ever since, and I hope I've not done the same damage again. My foot feels very tender and bruised..

So tonight's egg run will be in the car, and it will be a short visit to the pub..


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