
By HF1

Old Plum Tree

I went off for my bike ride this morning and as soon as I saw some lambs , I stopped to take a photo only to see those dreaded words- ' no card in camera' so I was thwarted for my blip.
However I'm feeling really pleased as I had a productive day including ordering £500 worth of books as commision for our Book Fair at school. Always good spending someone else's money! Also managed to book some tickets for Maddy Prior next week which my sister- in law and I are going to - she kindly let me photo her old plum tree after finding the tadpoles haven't been transformed into handsome frogs yet! It's a beautiful old tree and I have seen a bullfinch in it , there were goldfinches today but I'm not skilled enough to capture them!
Hope everyone has some sunshine to enjoy this weekend - ' have a good one' as they say!

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