Why Does My Cat Hate Me?

By kiwibee


This morning we were woken to the snuffling of Rocky. He made his way into our room from outside to come and get warm.

This disturbance did NOT sit well with Boo. Her kingdom shall not be desecrated with such creatures as dogs. They are beneath her.

So poor Rocky, being old and cold was having a great time snuggling up and licking himself.

Cue the fun snatcher. Boo sees Rocky and is livid! How DARE this THING be on MY bed, with MY love (not me, but my partner Matt).

Boo was not letting Rocky get away with this, so five seconds later he was howling in pain with Boo swiping at him furiously. I don't think she was expecting the love if her life to smack her with a pillow, but he did.

I laughed. Only because she usually gets away with everything. No doubt he'll buy her Fancy Feast today as a way of saying sorry.

My tooth extraction went well. I told the dentist he'd be a good torturer and I had to have the dental nurse guide me to the chair due to my instability. I highly reccomend the sedative!

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