But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Project Linus

I do like a good quilt show, I really do. Mrs TD chose to make an exhibition of herself and had two of her own items on display but the main purpose, from her point of view, was to raise funds for her Linus group, and to publicise it. A modest profit was made selling various items and lessons were learnt for next time.
The blip is of two ladies manning the stall (perhaps that should be womanning? - I do hate political correctness).

One of the stewards came up to me and asked if I was Mrs TD's husband; when I admitted to the misdemeanour she said, "I thought you must be from the camera." I seem to be developing a reputation.

Some years ago, at this very venue, we came to see an amateur production of a play. Two ladies of a certain age and body mass index, who probably wrote the script, strolled onto the set with shopping baskets and sat on the only prop - a park bench. They took out their flasks and play pieces and began a conversation; after they had put the world to rights their conversation became a little personal and they reached the real point of the play; the forced politeness dissolved and a long-standing bitter feud came into the open.

Apart from us, the audience consisted of immediate relatives, all six of them. It was a very disappointing attendance for an extremely good show. For a long time we hoped that they would do something similar but with better marketing, of course, it never happened.

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