
By EvelyneNC


This picture made me happy: The sky with the clouds was exceptionally bright, so in the first pictures ( bedroom view again, looking at the house on the other side of the street) the house and the little trees around it turned out totally dark.
Then I tried to get the house better exposed, more details visible, that caused the sky to be way too overexposed. So no contrast or detail in the sky.
These two pictures , taken without tripod, I merged in DoubleTake, and, much to my surprise, out came what you see here. The sky as perfect as it was in the first picture and the house as bright as it was in the second picture. The end result was what my eye had seen but the camera had problems putting together in one picture.
I was very happy! So this stitching app, that I bought for 24 Dollars does in this regard the same work as Lightroom would do ...

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