A wet day

Today has been a lovely wet day.

I took a drive looking for fungi. Found quite a few different ones but didn't get any particularly decent photos as I couldn't be bothered getting down at ground level in the wet grass. Then I called in at the Red Barn for a coffee.

Their pineapple sage was looking pretty all covered in raindrops so I played around with different angles to get different refractions in the droplets. The flower is not really the best shape to show to good advantage in balls of water, but the Animal part of their sign (Red Barn Cafe and Animal Park) refracted nicely.

So, raindrops, sparkles and advertising. My favourite bit is those tiny tiny droplets out on the stamen - check them out here. (Actually I think the shorter bits are the stamens and that long bit might be the stigma - it's been a long time since I was in biology class).

If you look at the thumbnail for last year's blip you'll see that I was at the Red Barn exactly a year ago too - and that it was raining. Tony was unimpressed!

NOTE: Thank you all so much for sending my last couple of blips to the front page of spotlight. Not something I achieve very often so quite a buzz. Clearly I'll have to stick to playing around with water drops at (or near) ground level!

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