
By weewilkie

Now Westlin Winds

Not vernal showers to budding flowers
Not autumn to the farmer
So dear can be as thou to me
My fair, my lovely charmer
- Robert Burns

I went down to Port Glasgow today to pick up the kids. I was out at a folk club gig thing last night so they were staying at their Granny and Granda's. I thought it would be a nice opportunity to maybe get a few photos. Hmm..

When I got off the train there was a blustery wind giving a ferocious slant to the rain. You couldn't see across the water. Cataracts of downpour all around. So, I took what I could get.
This one is of some heather, with the backdrop of Bouvrie behind it. I like the sharpness of the blooming heather and the bokeh - that's right 'bokeh' - of the tenements and other heather. Bokeh is a word I knew nothing of, well I didn't know there was a word for this effect until yesterday. It means the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image. I love this quality in an image and now I know the word for it.
So, this image pure gies me the bokeh !!
And when I look on this image I think upon my charmer. Out there, in the bokeh. Perhaps moving into focus.


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