An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Car Show

Woke up to a rainy, dreary Palm Sunday. Glad I didn't ride my bike to church because it was very windy as well. Took part in a little Passion Play at the end of the service.

We may well be getting some violent storms this afternoon so the Main Street Arts Festival was cancelled today. So instead, Debbie and I went to a custom car show. They had a lot of low riders. Interesting custom doors and paint jobs. It was held under the freeway overpass behind our building. Was a very challenging shoot. The area the cars were in was very dark. No matter what direction you turned, the brighter area away from the bridge blasted bright. Oh well, here is the exterior visor on an old Chevy. Most of you are probably too young to remember those, but these visors were the same color paint as the body of the car and attached just above the windshield.

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