
By acr83

Comfort cooking

I've been in a bit of a funk today after yesterday's frustrating news. This morning I had to make a big call... Do I wear mascara or not? I opted for less than usual just in case. It was a bad call. I got into the office and checked my phone. I had a message from my friend saying that her mum died yesterday and she's about to get on a plane home to California. That was too much because I'd just been about to tell a friend in the office all about yesterday and I had to tell her both things. It took me quite a while to get it all out.

I had to stay at work all day which I wasn't really feeling up to. When I got home, I got straight into trying to get out of the funk. Changed out of business clothes into stretchy pants and a hoodie, cranked some music, organised a skype date with my best friend in London and got to work making a fabulous lasagne.

Tomorrow has to be a better day.

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