Jemima Puddleduck.

When i came out of the gym this morning, instead of turning left to go into town, i turned right, and went for a walk and blip search into Newbridge Fields. It was wonderful to be out in the sunshine . The trees were full of blossom and there were lots of children enjoying the Easter holidays. I was hoping to get a glimpse of a squirrel or bird but it didn't happen. On my way back, as i crossed the bridge, i noticed this Mallard making a lot of noise. I think she/ he was showing off his bright orange legs. When i got home J was busy power washing the patio and this afternoon, we have been putting some wildflower seeds into pots ,which will attract butterfly and bees. ( well that's what it says on the box) The weather forecast is good for the next few days ,so i hope to be out in the sunshine as much as possible.

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