Heathrow Terminal 5

I was wondering what to blip today so was pleased this opportunity presented itself towards the end of the day just as the light was fading.

We were up at Heathrow T5 to collect Susan's sister and her husband who had flown in after a week's holiday in Rome to spend a few days with us and Doreen before going on back up to Edinburgh at the end of the week.

Finely timed arrangements using Flight Aware app meant we arrived just as they came out of arrivals and were on the site for 10 minutes. The app tells you what time the flight took off, lands and tracks the whole of its journey giving altitude, speed and location on a map. I wonder if this is real time as couldn't this app have shown where the Malaysian plane was?

We parked the car in the short stay park - which was only marginally more expensive than the hospital car park in Maidstone. A good view from up there looking west into the setting sun but I thought I only had my iPhone with me so although there were interesting shots it didn't amount to much. (forgetting I had put the big camera in the car). Then walking to Arrivals we saw this scene of wheelbarrows. Why wheelbarrows, painted in pastel colours? Three sets there were. I'll have to look it up.

Otherwise it was a day a bit out of the ordinary - caused by the trip to Heathrow. Swimming first, which was usual for a Monday, then an attempt to have a proper lunch which failed as the meal took longer to cook than expected and I had to be at the hospital to see the surgeon for 2.00pm.

In the end we had lunch at 4.00pm after I got back and before we set off. A good visit to the surgeon. Next appointment is in a year's time. He's pleased with how the knee has recovered - almost as good as the left knee now. Must keep doing the exercise and try refereeing. He seemed suprised that I was still doing it at my age!

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