
By Angelique


Well for a Monday it's been bloomin' marvelous. The sun has continued to warm the planet - hooray.

After a busy day at work, I rushed home to my little home, and couldn't wait to sit in the garden with Phoebe. I did the usual chores of course!!

I must have nodded off, as one does, and when I came too, I realised one of our visiting doves was having a feed. Fortunately the camera was round my neck!

We enjoyed a lovely walk through the village and was struck by this amazing tree smothered with blossom and the sound of hundreds of bees frantically trying to polinate each flower.

And what a superb moon, had to gallop up from the dining table, up to Matthew's top opening window, and there it was, smiling down at me.

Thank you for all the kind comments yesterday.
I hope you like my little arrangement today but it helps me to enjoy the entire day. We nearly also had a photo of one of our strange residents who goes about with his pet parrot on his shoulder. I didn't want to stop him from trying to retrieve his other bird who had flown into a very tall tree. And I thought my life was complicated!!

Hoping your day has been equally rewarding and positive.

Spare a thought for others who are worried about their loved ones. It is always difficult when our four legged friends are suffering and I stand with my fellow friend Mr Schorschi whose lovely dog Flash is hopefully recovering from a very big operation to remove a growth from his spleen. I send sincere love to you over there in Bavaria.

Thank you for continuing to read my journal. Love to you all~~~~~xx

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