The Other Side and Just in Case

Another grotty day and The Boss decided to go to Cromwell to check out the WiFi in a venue that he has to present in next month. The Boss is a bit of a “belts and Braces” guy with presentations and hates surprises so considered the drive would be worthwhile and maybe produce todays Blip. The Venue had a lovely helpful lady who happily gave The Boss a tour and a wifi access card and he proceeded to download movie previews on his iPad so declared everything “GO” and being exceptionally strong he ignored hot chocolates and Cafes (never mind what I thought) and just filled up with cheaper patrol and drove home. I did however hold a “Full Upgrade” position in the front seat.
The After HIS lunch outing was fun and included a full stickathon CS please note, AND in keeping with all the jet planes in our skies practising for the weekend Warbirds over Wanaka Air Show (Not sure if Snoopy is invited) I did some subsonic Blatting and alarmed The Boss by stopping dead and attacking my back foot indicating that something was caught up in it. The Boss came and investigated and noticed one of my toenails at a very strange angle and reluctant to touch it popped me back on lead and with lots of “leaveit’s” we made our way home and to the Vets where the lovely “C” pronounced me NFF (No Fault Found) and concluded that I may have dislocated something temporally but since I never batted an eyelid (Errr… not sure that dogs do this anyway) when she pocked and prodded, and I was more than happy to accept treats and jump from the exam table on to the floor that I was probably OK. So I went home and had a LLD and The Boss checked his shots (photographic not medical) and thought about fish and chips for tea. (homebrew ones) I just thought about the treats at the Vet and wondered if I needed further treatment and more of them just in case.
It is Lake Dunstan looking South.

OH and was it a fish rising? Well you may possible think that BUT I couldn't possible say.

Supercalifragilisticexpelidocious in LARGE

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