BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Big Boys Toys

In the form of a huge crane.

I don't normally publish my Blips until the evening as I think there is always a good chance I'll change the image later, but today at work has been a hive of activity giving a blip opportunity.

The company I work for has sold a machine that is no longer used and today was the day the new owners had arranged for its removal. The destination for it is in Serbia so it has some way to travel. Its a heavy beast coming in at about 50 tonnes plus all the bits and pieces that come with it. Our workforce have had to remove a large section of the building to get it out as the building was built around the machine.

The company removing and loading the machine onto trucks are from up north (Leeds) and had a workforce made of a smashing bunch of blokes who chatted to me and let me take a few shots of them. They did ask me why I didn't have a real job because apparently being a photographer isn't classed as work but it was all just friendly banter.

See more of them and the operation here

The adjacent building and bright sun caused havoc with the shots as half the scene was well lit and the rest was in shadow of the building, so a bit of subtle HDR was needed on the images taken.

In other news I saw Gem last night and she's doing well and will hopefully be out of hospital today.

Update: Poor Gemma is having to stay in another night, get well soon Gemwah, we are missing you xx

Thanks For Looking

Mr Bo Hingles

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