my life is a fiesta

By fiestadecox

Fuzzy Christmas Feelings

Sometimes (all.the.time.) I look at photos taken with this old camera and I get frustrated that the equipment can't capture my feelings. But this one is different. I love that this one is a little fuzzy. It mirrors the way I feel about these girls, and this season.

When I look at this I can smell the cinnamon and pine candles, I can hear "Santa Baby" which was on repeat because the girls were choreographing a routine, and I can remember how tired and achy I was from playing flag football and jumping in the leaves all day. I honestly don't know if I'd make that same connection if the photo was crisp and clear...

I treasure the time Kayce spends with us. I never cease to be amazed by her. She witty and smart and pretty and has an amazingly strong love for God. It's humbling, really.

When I'm lucky, my mom sends her back to Waco with us after a holiday. Sometimes just a day. But occasionally we trick/persuade/beg and we end up with a whole week together, which is total bliss for me.

Here's to a lifetime of "I promise I'll bring her back tomorrow..."

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