
By AfterDark

The Cupid connection !

Here we have the Garden Snail. Love them or Hate them ?

The garden is infested with them and they eat the plants, however these bloody things are fascinating to watch, they have eyes on tentacles and do other weird and wonderful things...

How many of you knew that the snail shoots a love dart ?
yeah it was news to me when i read this..

The love dart is not a penial stylet (in other words this is not an accessory organ for sperm transfer). The exchange of sperm between both of the two land snails is a completely separate part of the mating progression. Nevertheless, recent research shows that use of the dart can strongly favor the reproductive outcome for the snail that is able to lodge a dart in its partner. This is because mucus on the dart introduces a hormone-like substance that allows far more of its sperm to survive.

#From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

~ taken with Canon nFd 80-200mm zoom L

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