
By acr83


Even on a gloomy day, the view from the hills is pretty good. I'm selling a house up here and I have to say, I don't mind heading out this way and up the hill for viewings every other day. It's such a different world from the western suburbs of christchurch.

I'm about to head out for my choir concert now. Still haven't organised he plate of food I'm meant to be taking so it'll be something from the supermarket that comes in a plastic tray for the third term in a row. Theres something about Wednesdays. I'm always really busy all day and choir is a bit of an afterthought.

Hopefully the concert goes well, although I'm already one supporter down because my boss went for a wee ambulance ride today. He has angina. I'm sure he'll be fine in a couple of days. This is a pretty regular occurrence for him. It's such second nature in fact that as he was getting carted into the ambulance he called out to our PA to get the Easter presents he bought for us from his car. That should have been the last thing he was thinking of!

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