One Eyed Smiling Moon

Today was a blipathon with my little mate Toby (who actually aint so little).....we started off at Norries Head then headed down the coast to Hastings Point to watch the moon rise.

I always reckon the moon is even more lovely the day after full moon...and this evening she really arrived in all her many times have I watched the moon and always she takes my breath away with her beauty.

Toby got some cracker shots...I was pretty please with mine too....but I had to choose fast..........I am cream crackered...its been a bit of a big day for this little black duck climbing up hills and over rocks....defiinitely not the mountain goat I used to be.
This old girl is off to bed.

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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