Another Spring Surprise!

What a surprise early when I awoke to see a driving snowfall coming from the Northwest (thank you very much Rockies and midwest. U.S.
I went out to rescue the tray of pansies and put them under a tepid shower. They are thanking me.
Then, I rushed back out for a blip of the crocus I had spied. It took two trips to get this blip because the snow kept getting in the way and while setting something on the camera in the cold, I pushed the wrong button and got a repeated timer going.
So, out of all this here are the dear crocus, sleeping in the snow..
Also, the second time out -- because the first snaps didn't come out clear with all that snow, the sun had come out and now we have some blue in the sky. I think the worst is over.
I'm off to take a shower with the pansies. they will stay in the house today, poor dears.

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