
By TynvdB

Flydiving for a fresh catch

A day full of contrasts and contradictions. After getting up early and standing on the balcony, I saw a multifold criss cross of white stripes in the sky, like a giant mikado. Many early flights had already made their take offs. I didn’t give in to my wish to return under the blankets, but made tea and proposed to cycle to the beach. In the morning it usually is at its most beautiful there. So after a quick and small breakfast, we started together on a blippadition which was very exciting for both of us. Though our chosen pictures were taken in a second effort,this afternoon.

Again today I spend much time, mindfulness and tear strength on the chaotic remnants of my personal working archive. I had to think over and reevaluate my actions and writings in order to be able to reshuffle the still inspiring parts and lay them “ad acta”. But again, I also found back a lot of personal writings made during the Nineties, which made me really happy. I had been on a very fructuous way long before I had to do that job as an environmental lawyer. So, in contrast with the relative negative feelings in doing that deferred maintenance, I surprised myself in feeling proud about the quality of my previous writing.

For a change of atmosphere I went to the beach for a second time. And there the rising tide of the sea together with hundreds of gulls performed for me such a vivacious high energy concerto, that I finally let myself fall on my back in the sand with a hundred and fifty clics and clacks on my Lumix memory card. Sillyness, madness, I admit. But it felt so good.The gulls had had their surf meal and I could return with my fresh catch.

It didn’t take much time to find the one that “had it”:just an ordinary seaside blip, O Indeed, which happens to be my hundredth, I’m told. My goodness! Thank you, Willemien&Mischa, and You All, who give me your daily attention, mindful eye, humorous reaction, learning and support. And thanks to the women and men of Blip.com, who make this Miracle-World possible and function!

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