
By Brotographer

Night Light Orchids

Emma and Katie left in the morning. I found myself at the end of a very long week of awesome, with a bucket load of stuff to do and sleep to catch up on. Felt good to absolutely demolish the to-do list… Got a lot of blipping to catch up with though.

And here’s an experiment with light painting orchids. Pretty late night, unmotivated after walking the dog, but didn’t want another crap shot, so I put a little bit of effort in to try and do something I’ve never tried before. I'll do better next time. There's a lot of breadth to the lighting effects you can do and I barely scratched the surface, having only taken 5 shots. Watch this space.

Oh and the Hobbit Part II is mental. Regretting not going to see the beautiful graphics at the movies. That dragon is insane and are the landscapes. HD monitor, look out for me in the future!

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