
What a great day - we got up with Miles this morning and then my mission began. We emptied The Little Goblin's room of furniture, then I took off the blinds, filled in all of the holes and cracks, took off the rubbish sliding door and its frame and then I sanded the whole thing down.

I'd bought a belt sander yesterday, and let's just say that I love it. What an incredible device! It gives me hope for removal of the rubbish texture on the living room walls.

By Miles' bedtime, I'd done two coats of paint on the ceiling and the walls are ready for tomorrow morning. Miles and I had also been for a bike ride. Now I'm sat watching the comedy gala. All in all a very satisfying day. I really can't wait to paint the walls tomorrow and get on the next job!!

This guy popped up from somewhere today. He looked really evil. It had a white tail, but I'm not sure whether it's a White Tail. Either way, he booked a ticket out of the window.

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