A Border Castle

We live near the border between Wales and England, along which there are many castles, mostly ruined now. They were built by the Normans in an attempt to manage the unruly Welsh.

Longtown Castle is typical of these border motte and bailey castles. The round keep on the earthen mound (the motte) is 13th century. The wall is the inner bailey.

We went to Longtown as it has a fantastic village shop and I heard that they were selling locally-made hot cross buns so suggested to OB we took a flask of coffee and breakfasted in the woods. Which we did, though as he doesn't like hot cross buns on account of the raisins he had flapjack. Also from the shop.

Then we went to look at the castle. It is opposite a building owned by Northamptonshire County Council where I stayed on a school trip when I was in my teens. It would have been a spring trip - I remember all the daffies.

I didn't know till today that Longtown was originally called Ewyas Lacy, after Walter de Lacy who built the castle. Ewyas may have been a (larger) early Welsh kingdom. There is still a place called Ewyas Harold not far away.

However, OB claims I have got it all wrong...

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