
By BuissonCard

Waste of Wood, that is what she said

Sometimes trees must die so we can organize things in a more 'efficient' and 'elevated' way. I still do not see the necessity of this behemoth structure. It was probably designed with the intention, I was not present this work day, to organize the different types of material and sizes by using more vertical space than horizontal space so that the lumber is not exposed to the ground in order to prevent it from accepting moisture into the grain of the wood and altering its characteristics. With that being said, would it not be simpler and more cost/time effective to just organize the different types of construction material within the confines of a hammock system. It is elevated and the natural curve of the net material provides the enclosure. I am uncertain to the weight capacity for this overhead structure; however, this system can be spread along the entirety of this structure to balance the distribution of downward pressure.

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