Roll up for the mystery tour!

After having to bail out of meeting with MV and Annie yesterday (sorry Annie), I managed to get over toLiverpool today!

After going to the gym at 9 this morning - I hope you're impressed Mum - I hopped on the slightly delayed train to Lime Street and managed to sneak past MV who was watching out of the window of Costa Coffee...I tricked him by wearing a disguise (my silly hat - I'm sure he's going to blip me wearing it!). After a large latte and a naughty biscuit we went wandering to the big wheel. No queue which was great - and what a fantastic view. We managed to have a peaceful couple of loops on the wheel before I accidentally hit the radio button with my elbow and subjected us to loud music and commentary. Oops.

Went on a wander down to Pier Head to see builders playing football (honestly) and wandered into the Beatles museum (I think) which is where this shot was taken - MV wandering up the stairs. It was part of a cunning plan to warm up and return my fingers to somewhere near normal body temperature.

Some photos, and a wander up to the Bluecoat Chambers, coffee, photos of knitted christmas decorations (I had visions of Grannys sitting around wondering what they could do and deciding they'd make some deccies instead of wee bootees for babies!). We then wandered back along to Pier Head, via Matthew Street (again - I think - is that where the Cavern Club is?!) Saw the Wall of Fame, and found a brick with my grandad's nameon it which was quite cool. Also a plaque stating that two performer's bricks had been removed....and someone had tried to amend the plaque...

In a moment of madness I agreed that going on the ferry would be a fantastic idea - MV chasing sunsets again - and although it was freezing, it was well worth it because he was so right about the light changing over the water.

Taxi back to the station - good move - hypothermia was about to set in, just enough time to get a hot chocolate and a magazine and then straight onto the train home.

Had a fantastic afternoon - will sleep like a log tonight after all of that fresh air.

As always MV - it was a pleasure - thank you. Next time I will get some more shots of you - I dread to think what the sneaky shots you took of me are like - do I get first refusal?!

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