A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


That's not an instruction.

And strictly speaking, this isn't a hide - it's the viewing tower at Risley Moss, when you can see for miles on a good clear day.

After the cavity wall guys had been round and exacted a loud and noisy revenge on the boy next door for his disturbance of our peace two weeks ago, I went out for half an hour to the Moss. The sun was starting to sink, so I figured I might geta decent sunset. Instead, I was more interested in this structure - never seen the symmetry of it before today (normal because I've been running to it to hide from the rain!)

I was torn between the viewing tower and this one - Down the Steps of the viewing tower. Some others at the link as well.

Suffice it to say, I gave up after half an hour as it was truly freezing. Had a little snowfall this evening, but nothing to speak of really (although James face was lovely as we stood and watched it fall for five minutes!)

Its 10.15, Corin has just got home from work. Its time for some quality time with my fella on the couch.

Liverpool tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Weather permitting (assuming snow doesn't stop the trains - has to be the wrong kind of snow though!)

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