A fallen giant

Quite sad to see this wonderful tree cracked and down near the top of Shire Hill in Glossop. I did a big zig-zag walk over the hill looking for special birds, Pied Flycatchers, Wood Warblers, Redstarts, Tree Pipits, Green Woodpeckers - never found a trace of any of them :-(

Isn't this phone on my camera great (joke!) - you know I can't remember that last time I actually phoned anyone using it, I only use it for BTO Birdtrack and the occasional photo which seems odd.

Chelsea 1 Sunderland 2 was worth watching if only to prove that big boys don't always win. 3 football matches in row tomorrow - Dad will want to watch them all I'm sure perhaps I should get some sleep to be sure to be match fit.

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