Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Dianthus raindrop

Easter Day, and Mum and I have a conundrum - where can we get our Sunday morning coffee fix on the one Sunday a year when all the garden centres are shut? No problem, we head for one of our local... err... garden centres, one of two centres owned by the same business: one open, complete with posh cafe, but apparently classified as a nursery, and so able to bypass the Sunday Trading Laws, and the other closed - go figure!

Not surprisingly, the cafe was packed, and there was also a small craft show to entertain the crowd.

Dodging the raindrops, Mum bought some pots and plants for her patio, while my eye was taken by some scented dianthus for a pot on my own patio. Back home, I tried some studies and rather liked this bud complete with raindrop just reflecting an open flower

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