Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Easter Morning!!

What a glorious day! The sun shone, the coffee and the hot cross buns were a plenty and everybody had a great time!!

Every Easter morning before our church morning celebration, we head up to Corstorphine Hill for some egg rolling - Starbucks come along and provide us with free coffee and hot chocolate. The kids (and grown ups) bring their painted eggs for some rolling down the hill and all went well (no flying eggs this year!!).

Before that there was an Easter egg hunt in the woods - however as this photo suggests ... either the "bunny" was delighted at producing 2 eggs, or the recipient was even more happy that he would have a "double yolk-er"

I hope your Easter weekend was a good one - spent with family and friends, enjoying the sunshine and maybe a spot of chocolate or 2....

....and maybe also remember that Easter Morning 2000 years ago when that tomb was empty - Jesus was alive - death could not hold Him - Christ was Risen - and many shall continue to share that good news until He returns triumphantly once more!

Happy Easter!

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