Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Beauty amongst Decay

There was a chill in the wind today, but it was still great to see the sun shining.

Last day of the Easter break for the kids and I also took today off as a holiday and a most enjoyable day it was too - Jonathan had a couple of pals over for a sleepover last night and so I took Isaac off to Livingston this morning for him to get a few bits and pieces.

Once I got back home, I realised that I had not taken my blip for today and it was then I noticed a vase of tulips that Clare had....past their best but still if you looked close enough - beauty was to be discovered.

So onto the window sill they went to be bathed in sunlight - macro lens out and this was the result.....

...normal service will resume tomorrow - Kids at school and me back on day shift!!

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