Paperback writer

Three Audrey meltdowns within ten minutes of her waking up this morning which didn't bode well for my day with her. Despite thinking we were in for an awful day together (Angus at work), it was actually OK.

We had a lovely long sunny walk to Didsbury this morning to meet up with Jo at Cavendish Park (see Audrey and Jo at the swings) and then on to see her new house. Jo made us a lovely lunch and Audrey enjoyed being somewhere else. She sat at the big table eating lunch with us and looked very cute!

I lay in the garden in the sunshine with my book this afternoon and then abandoned it to start writing a novel (!) as Audrey ended up sleeping over two hours! Not sure if I will carry on with the book but my creative juices were flowing so decided to just go with it! Characters, plot, storyline - all sorted and first chapter already finished. I must have felt relaxed!

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