Mummy Choo Choo

Look at Audrey's cheesy grin!! Angus told her to smile for her Mummy and this was the result.

God, I missed these two today. A heinous day in London with a client. Two and half hours of titling Virgin travel sickness, hotel lobby meeting, taxi journey, two hour painful lunch with some journalists and another two hours on the titling train back. For reasons I can't really expand on in blip, I am not sure I should be working for this particular client any more. Today compounded any doubts I had previously!

I have never been more happy to come home to my adorable family. Angus kept Audrey up to see me after her bath and she was beside herself with giddiness. "Mummy Choo Choo, Mummy Choo Choo" was what I came home to. Adorable!

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