….. I hear you say - and of course, you are absolutely right - it isn't a pretty flower, nor is it a wonderful bird or a lovely landscape. It's not a wonderfully expressive photograph with great depth and technically fantastic, but while I was running the Dyson over the carpet this morning and saw the patterns it made on our long-haired rug, it reminded me of the phrase "being rubbed up the wrong way" and I began to think about that. Even menial tasks can make us think deeply!

How often am I "rubbed up the wrong way" because I am too sensitive or because I don't see a joke or simply because I am in a bad or perverse mood or I have been stuck in a traffic jam for longer than I wanted to be?

A quote I heard a long time ago says "A Christian shouldn't have a wrong side to be rubbed up" - now that's difficult - aren't I allowed to say what I feel if someone upsets me or if I've had a bad day? And of course, I could always sulk! But what would that achieve?

Random thoughts but part of my day, so I wanted to share it in my journal.

The pattern on the rug shows a cross - and as Easter has just passed, it reminded me of the reason for Easter -the cross, the shedding of blood, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is, and always will be the real meaning of Easter and a reminder to me that if I put my faith in Him, He will help me not to get "rubbed up the wrong way" - of course, I may still do this occasionally - but I know that every day is a "clean slate" with God, which is brilliant!

Don’t be quick to fly off the handle.
Anger boomerangs.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
The Message

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