Forget Me Not

Today was a very exciting day in the K household!
Everything in our garage has been eaten and destroyed by a rat infestation including our lovely tent which we bought last year. A £60 bargain from a car boot sale!
The other day we went to Go Outdoors and looked at tents and found a bargain 6 man tent on offer (when are they not in Go Outdoors?!!). We didn't buy it because it was late and Miss E got stung by a wasp and we planned to go back over the weekend to get it.
Naturally they were all sold out when we got there today. Seventeen of them sold on Good Friday!! How annoying.
I rang the store in Oxford and he had a couple left but I didn't really feel like driving all the way to Oxford. I'm terrible at wanting the thing I want now with the minimum of inconvenience!
So I went into bargain mode with the manager and said that it was either a super deal on another tent we liked or it was off to Oxford with us. We got a massive reduction and a carpet thrown in. Woohoo!!
The new tent has a porch included and we would have had to buy one for the original one so in the end it worked out at about the same price for a far better tent!
Mr K was very impressed with my bargaining skills!
The manager was lovely and we ended up chatting to him for about half an hour after we'd bought the tent. He and Mr K were so alike they could have been separated at birth. Obsessed with gadgets, not happy with one device when you can use three at the same time - preferably all synched up (whatever that means!!), both with long suffering wives!!
Miss E keeps asking when we're going back to see Daddy's twin!
So we have a new tent and three camping trips booked in already to Wales, the New Forest and Suffolk.
Can't wait!!

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