Fun at Brill

We went to Brill this morning for a walk and some kite flying and slithering down hills on our bottoms.
It was so sunny and beautiful (until you got out of the car and it was sunny and freezing cold!) and I'd forgotten how pretty it was up at Brill. And what fabulous views!
The Little Misses had bought some kites in the Pound Shop the other day. A pack of two for £1.
That tells you something about the quality of them! Despite a Siberian gale strong breeze and a valiant effort by Mr K the kites were pieces of tat that didn't get off the ground!
But there was lots of slithering down hills on our bottoms, stone throwing - the Little Misses' version of boules where they throw stones down one of the ravines a) to see who can get them furthest and b) to knock the other stones out of the way. Then slithering down to get them and repeating. For hours!
We found a tractor tyre hanging from a tree and they had equal amounts of fun and squabbles on that.
The Little Misses ate their lunch on the tailgate of the car. I can't put into words how happy it makes me to have a boot big enough for the kids to eat in!
After a few hours in the fresh air we went to Claydon House, a National Trust house on the way home. Tea for me, tea, juice and cake for everyone else.
Unfortunately Miss E decided to have a meltdown in the carpark and when I went to grab her arm to drag her back to the car I whacked her round the head with my camera and she spent the next ten minutes screaming her head off and highlighting my terrible parenting skills.
Both the Little Misses have been pretty hard work over the last few days. Roll on school!
We all cheered up a bit after tea, cake and juice and had a nice wander through the house. We were waylaid by a fiendish jigsaw puzzle that was cut unlike any jigsaw I've ever seen. All misshapen pieces, no corners, no discernible edges! Oh my goodness it was impossible! I managed to get a few pieces together and then gave up.
I've just found their website - Wentworth Jigsaws, and I'm toying with the idea of getting the Monet one. I think it would take years to do!!
Then it was home for roast chicken.
On the whole a lovely day. Just wish the Little Misses could be a bit more reasonable, rational, calm and a good bit less childish and irritating!!

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