
Two Tuesdays a month Arvin has a meeting in Ferndale from 1:00 to 3:00. It is just far enough from Bellingham that it isn't worth driving home and back again. So I stay around the area and sometimes meet friends for lunch or take a walk. Today I went to Tennant Creek (the boardwalk is still flooded) and Hovander Homestead Park. It is an old farmstead and in the summer there are lots of animals. Today nobody was there but four chickens. Well, there were a few people and I saw two eagles way in the distance, but the only animals at the farm were four chickens.

I took some pretty scenic photos but when I looked at my photos, this iridescent chicken won the day. You can see more details in her feathers in the large version. Eventually I will post some of the scenic photos on my blog. But for now, cock-a-doodle-do to you all.

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