Up North

By Carwij


I think it is hedera. Instead of climbing against a wall it was covering the ground. With all the snow just the seedheads were visible, wearing a little snowcap.....
Poor blipday today, just a quick walk around the office. Had a hard time arriving there this morning because I had to pick up three colleagues who live in different suburbs of Groningen where the roads were still covered in snow. I got stuck with the car (I was not the only one) and some passers helped to push me out. Snow does something to people, it is so remarkable that very suddenly everyone jumps forward to help each other now.
I remember an incident last summer when an old man in a wheelchair fell down and few people walked by and did nothing. A cyclist, even drove in a curve around him and didn't stop. By the time I reached him he managed to push himself up in his chair. I was shocked.....

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