such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100

First Rose of the Year.

Ok so this photo isn't the best but I was in a bit of a rush to take it. For some reason my camera doesn't like the colour yellow. It can never focus on it properly - but this rose was too lovely to miss. It's the first bloomer this year and hopefully it means that the rest of our garden will be filled with them. I love roses. Earlier on I managed to take quite a few good shots of what I thought were two sparrows sat on a branch. After closer inspection, I realised that they were actually mating - so I deleted the photos and had to find something else to blip about.

The thunder this morning was absolutely amazing. I love thunder. But not lightening - I'm not sure why, but I don't think I ever have. Storms are lovely, especially when they're in the morning because you get to hear the rain on the roof when you're lying in bed. Which is one of the best feelings ever. And then in the morning, a walk down to the beach to have a look at the storm over the sea is among the top five.

Unfortunately, this morning I didn't get to do that because I had an impromptu violin lesson due to yesterday's cancellation. It was quite nice; my first one after Easter and also my first one since Capriccio. I'm continuing with some Mozart, Telemann, Dvorak and Barber (whose work is simply lush). After that I had my Chemistry EMPA - which is the practical third of my as level exam. I was quite happy with the way that it went; we had to do a titration but instead of measuring an unknown alkali we had to do it with an acid (and we also had to make up our own volumetric solution - which was a bit nerve-racking). This was round is harder because instead of the solution turning from pink to colourless, it goes from colourless to pink - which is harder to spot because you have to record measurements from the moment that the pink colour starts to linger. Anyway, I got an average titre of 26.30 cm3 - which is around the average of what most other people got. I always hate to judge my answers by what other people get, especially in the normal panicky Q&A session after any exam, but we get a bit of leeway with our answers, so I think it made me feel happy.

Our second task was to do some tests for ions with two unknown solutions - which were fine because you literally just had to follow the instructions and record a table. My teacher checked my answers before I left the exam and she seemed happy with them (obviously they're not allowed to tell you anything, but they can always give subtle hints and rhetorical questions).

After school I had orchestra which was a bit of a fiasco. I call it orchestra, but it's actually a woodwind, which used to be (and occasionally is still) part of a string combination. Which sort of makes it an orchestra I suppose. Sort of. Anyway, I divulge, a man came round to fix our house's security system - something about a battery going flat - so I missed my normal train because my sister's car was blocked in by his van and she refused to go and ask him to move it. So I had to walk down to the station - which I actually rather enjoy doing , but this morning's start was rather early and I could have done without it - and then when I arrived at the station, I found that the next train wasn't for another twenty minutes, which meant that I would only have about 40 minutes of playing time by the time that I arrived. As it turned out, the alarm man left whilst I was walking to the station, which meant that I might have actually made my normal train if my sister had rung me - but I got there in the end and all was well.

Well this has been a long haul. My apologies - if there's actually anyone reading (maybe this blog is a bit like Schroedinger's Cat?). But it's over now and I shall look forwards to enjoying my evening at home, looking out on the rain. Life, eh?

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